Why do we lift our hands?
We lift our hands to bless and praise the Lord. Psalm 134:2;
1Timothy 2:8
Why do we dance?
We dance to express our joy for our king, Jesus. Psalm 149:3;
Psalm 150:4
Why do we prophesy?
To strengthen, encourage and comfort the church. 1 Corinthians
14:3-4; 2 Kings 3:15-19
Why do we speak in tongues
and interpret?
To interpret the message from God in an unknown language into the
known language on the local congregation. 1Corinthians 12:7,10;
Why are musical instruments
a part of the worship?
To make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Psalm 149:3; Psalm
Why do we sing "prophetic"
and "new songs"?
To share a musical message from God for the purpose of building
up the church. Revelation 5:9-11; Colossians 3:16