Dr. David & Pastor Marlinda Ireland
Dr. David Ireland is the founder and senior pastor of Christ Church. A
former civil and mechanical engineer, Dr. David couples his keen sense of humor with a precise, analytical style in translating complex biblical concepts into practical applications. He has an earned Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership and is a noted author. Pastor Marlinda Ireland oversees the music and performing arts departments of  Christ Church. She has led the church�s choir in performing at New York�s prestigious Lincoln Center and in presenting standing-room-only concerts at our Cathedral. The Irelands are the parents of two children.


Pastors Anthony & Barbara Franklin Anthony Franklin is the senior associate pastor at Christ Church. He provides administrative oversight to our staff and Life Group system of more than 60 groups. Pastor Barbara serves alongside her husband in providing direction and training to Life Group leaders. She holds a bachelor degree in Elementary Education and is an office manager for a regional bank. The Franklins have two children.



Pastor Joseph & Mercedes Rosa
Pastor Joseph Rosa is an associate pastor who gives oversight to the School of the Holy Spirit and the ministry of the deacons. He provides systematic training to people who feel called to minister to others using charismatic gifts. A graduate of Brown University, Pastor Rosa is the founder and president of Strategic Technologies & Training, Inc., a computer consulting and training firm. His wife, Mercedes, uses her profound teaching and pastoral gifts in the area of counseling. They are the parents of three children.


Pastors Richard & Marguerita Gooding Pastor Richard Gooding is an associate pastor who oversees the Quality Assurance/Quality Control ministry teams, Adult School, Men�s Groups and Special Conference Projects. In his secular career he serves as assistant vice president of a trading company. His wife, Marguerita, is also an associate pastor. She oversees the church�s Laying a Foundation Department, which welcomes new members into the church. Pastor Marguerita has established a long-standing career in the insurance field. The Goodings are both completing M.B.A. programs.


Pastor Ron & Carol Gonzalez
Pastor Ron Gonzalez oversees the pastoral care ministry of Christ Church. Best known for his distinct shepherding gifts, Pastor Ron provides direction to New Life classes, support groups, visitation, and follow-up ministries. Pastor Ron serves the church as a full-time associate pastor. His wife, Carol, offers caring support to people both inside and outside of the church. She is a strong component of the children�s ministry.



Pastor Willie & Diana Freeman
Pastor Willie Freeman has successfully led our building fund campaigns and is involved in various areas of pastoral ministry at Christ Church. A graduate of Princeton University, he is a vice president in corporate banking, overseeing the day-to-day management of financial transactions. His wife, Diana, who is also a graduate of Princeton has been a teacher for 20 years. With proven gifts of helps and hospitality, she brings encouragement and comfort to the Christ Church family. They are the proud parents of three children.




  1. https://www.sanpedrotrainer.com/
  2. https://www.150yearsofobamacare.com/
  3. https://www.silicomp.com/
  4. https://www.christchurchnj.org/
  5. https://www.concours-en-gares.com/
  6. https://www.nautiinn.com/
  7. https://www.gefassembly.org/
  8. https://www.mobileasiaexpo.com/
  9. https://katiewheelerart.com/
  10. https://www.usrussia.org/
  11. https://reinventlawnyc.com/
  12. https://www.global-commission.org/
  13. https://www.boquim.com/
  14. https://www.marcodezzibardeschi.com/
  15. https://www.talktous.org/
  16. https://ahchala.com/
  17. https://ei-lab.org/
  18. https://sterlingwitt.com/
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